Tuesday, May 10, 2011

My lil' princes will outgrow this land someday.....

Being a mother means warming up your same cup of coffee at least 4 times before you actually get to drink it because the kids need you. However ,I have decided that I want Noble to stay 12 weeks and Valor to stay 2 1/2 forever. I really love these ages! Valor remains my comic relief most of the day and Noble's smile, cuddling, and chuckles make my heart come alive. Both boys have absolutely stolen my heart. Valor has had a fun day. He told me Bob the Builder was here and I looked out the window and sure enough there was a man who looked like Bob the Builder working on a tree in our backyard. Valor has watched him most of the day. :-) Noble is starting to sleep 9 -10 hours a night and that is heavenly. He is such a joy....such a good, easy, sweet, loving, wonderful baby. Valor is such a good, loving, toddler and I adore him. I thank Jesus for Nobe and Valor. I'm just now truly getting the hang of two children. I'm finally taking risks by attending more than one activity a day. Not everyday. We actually rarely go anywhere except to Church and mammys. :-) I'v taken them to Walmart once and quickly realized by the time you get both kids in a cart...there is no more room for groceries! I had to rethink my trip and only get about 10 little things when in fact I needed about 100 things! :-) Everyday is a challenge to have patience, energy, get priorities straight, be a good mother and good wife, do my chores, play with children, spend time with God, be creative and raise my little disciples that God has given me. I am just now learning to take better care of myself and its not selfish for doing so! I have also started a new Mary Kay business....so life is hetic but fun right now (most days). Its a challenge but having a family is my dream come true. Staying home with my kiddos is huge dream God fullfilled for me. There is no place Id rather be than here with my kids and here in His love. Valor wakes up every morning and asks for his Daw (this is what he calls TJ) and then will say Daw is at work, working hard. He says he works hard for toys. :-) I love Valor and Noble and Tj. I love this land where my princes live. I get sad to think that someday my lil' boys will outgrow this land of princes. I cant imagine my life with out bubbles on the front porch, sidewalk chalk everywhere,a living room in which I dont trip over toys, a dining room that has exploded into a toy room, no more mickey mouse cartoons, cribs, little feet running down the hall to jump in bed with me, and no more "mama i need this or mama i need that". They will outgrow the silly songs I make up and the sword and water gun fights will eventually end. They will not always light up when i walk in the room,and they wont always run with all their guts to come give me a hug and kiss.The gobbling of thier cheeks will surely take its toll on them and they will ask me to stop doing that. I look in the back yard and see a swing, a little pool, and dump trucks, sticks, balls and slide. I cant stand the thought of my lil' boys outgrowing those things. They have brought me joy beyond my wildest imagination. However I'm reminded of all the things they will do for God and humanity and I almost cant wait to see that either! I watch our pastors enjoy their sons being used in their calling and giftings and it makes me long for the day when TJ and I can sit on the front row and smile,laugh, and praise God because our lil' princes are now doing big things for God. They may outgrow this land of princes but they will never exhaust or outgrow all the wonderful dreams and plans that God has for them. But until then....I'm going to enjoy my little boys that God has given me. Some days I want to cry because I'm tired and lack energy. Some days I want to pull out my hair. Some days my attitudde just stinks and the whole family pays for it. I regret those days. Some days I want to run away just to have some quiet time to think..to actually finish a thought without any interruptions. But most days, I'm living my dreams. I'm happy to be just where I am. In the middle of beautiful noise, snotty noses, sweet little giggles, precious toddler conversations and baby coos, wild chaos, peace, joy, tears, love, frustration, tiredness, zeal, repetition, security, happiness..all of which are a part of my sometimes fabulous and sometimes mundane life. My family and I are the hands of God and there is no better place to be!!!! Thank you God for my family that you have given to me. It is my dream come true. Give me the joy, energy, peace, sanity, creativity, strength and love to raise my little disciples into great men of God and to love my husband well. Thank you for my princes....may I take excellent care of them while they are in this land of mine.


  1. I love this! You are such a great mother! I learn stuff from you every day!

  2. You are great, Tara! Wife, mother, worshiper, and many more things :) Love you all
